When companies set out to move their headquarters or relocate their business, they may search for business moving guides online and quickly realize how difficult the task is actually going to be.
While a moving company can help with packing boxes and transporting materials, that’s only a small fraction of the work that goes into a company transition strategy.
So what are business relocation services and what can you expect from your move management team?
Business Relocation Services Unique to Your Needs
The first thing to note is that not all moves are the same. Depending on the industry, square footage, and staff material, the needs for your relocation can vary greatly. For example, the needs of a production facility are very different from that of an office.
The first task for your project manager will be to identify the needs of your business. From there, they will design and implement a custom relocation plan.
What Goes Into The Move Strategy?
Here at Relocation Strategies ®, we believe every project, big or small, should have a well-devised plan to ensure staff and leadership experience a smooth and organized moving experience.
We plan, implement, and execute every relocation project with care, keeping budget and timelines in mind at every step. Depending on the type of company, our services include but are not limited to any of the following:
Move budget assessment
Project schedule and coordination
Move management
On-site project management
Procurement of new or used modular workstations
Procurement of used or new office furnishings
Maintaining facility productivity
RFP/RFQ all vendors
Implementation of all audio & visual components
Telecommunications & IT infrastructure
While this list is not comprehensive, it highlights some of the services Relocation Strategies can provide for your company.
The goal of a business relocation company is to help guide and manage your move from start to finish. There are so many things to consider along the way, it’s helpful to have guidance for the tough decisions and professionals to take care of the complicated details.
Your Professional Move Team
If you’re planning a move, you don’t need to go it alone. Our team of professionals take pride in having over 25 years of experience in the industry and can manage any move – big or small.
If you feel like your relocation requires more than just a moving truck and some boxes, give us a ring. We’ll be happy to help you map out your relocation strategy.